JayDalorian Soundfonts
This is where the fun begins !
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Soundfonts for proffieboard and cfx lightsaber electronic
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Welcome to Jaydalorian website ! 1.Please create an account and keep your password ( This is the way to access your soundfont ) 2.After paying for a product you can download the sound on the web page you will not receive an email. 3.Its your first time to install a soundfont? I suggest to try one of my free soundfont before buying ! 4.take note Xenopixel – Asteria – Verso – Can not perform some of the sound included in my soundfont its only because those soundboard didn't have those feature 5.if you have any problem or need a refund do not open a dispute on Paypal please contact me by email at jerometremblay@outlook.fr or facebook/instagram- ©Copyright Jaydalorian All Rights Reserved Dismiss